Euclid was known as the father of...

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Euclid was known as the father of Geometry.

Euclid was known as the father of Geometry. To arrive at this answer, we can use our knowledge of history and the contributions Euclid made in the field of mathematics.

Euclid was a Greek mathematician who lived around 300 BCE. He is famous for his work "Elements," which is a comprehensive treatise on mathematics. In this work, Euclid introduced and organized fundamental ideas, definitions, and theorems of geometry. He presented deductive arguments and proofs in a logical order, making "Elements" the basis for the study of geometry for centuries to come.

His contributions to geometry were groundbreaking, and his methods and principles laid the foundation of the subject as we know it today. Therefore, when asked about the title "father of," Euclid is most commonly associated with being the father of Geometry.

Euclid was known as the father of Geometry.