Which of the following was NOT a difference between Sparta and Athens?

1 point
In Sparta, men did not publicly share their opinions, while in Athens men spoke their minds in political forums.
In Sparta, conquest was used to get resources, while in Athens they used trade to get what they needed.
In Sparta, women had more freedom while in Athens, women were not allowed to participate in democracy.
In Sparta, children received more traditional schooling, while in Athens children were sent to military school.

In Sparta, children received more traditional schooling, while in Athens children were sent to military school was NOT a difference between Sparta and Athens.

To determine which of the following was NOT a difference between Sparta and Athens, let's analyze each option:

1. In Sparta, men did not publicly share their opinions, while in Athens men spoke their minds in political forums.
This statement highlights a difference between Sparta and Athens. In Sparta, a highly militaristic society, obedience and conformity were valued over individual opinions, while Athens, known as the birthplace of democracy, encouraged political participation and free speech.

2. In Sparta, conquest was used to get resources, while in Athens they used trade to get what they needed.
This statement also illustrates a difference between the two city-states. Sparta's primary method of acquiring resources was through military conquest, whereas Athens relied more on trade and commerce.

3. In Sparta, women had more freedom while in Athens, women were not allowed to participate in democracy.
This statement identifies a significant difference. In Spartan society, women had more freedom and were valued for their physical strength and ability to give birth to healthy Spartan warriors. In contrast, women in Athenian society had limited rights and were excluded from participating in democracy.

4. In Sparta, children received more traditional schooling, while in Athens children were sent to military school.
This statement highlights another difference between Sparta and Athens. In Sparta, education focused on developing physical strength, discipline, and military skills, whereas in Athens, children received a broader education that emphasized intellectual and artistic pursuits. However, it is important to note that in Sparta, young boys were indeed sent to agoge, a rigorous military training program.

After analyzing all the options, we can conclude that the statement "In Sparta, women had more freedom while in Athens, women were not allowed to participate in democracy" was NOT a difference between Sparta and Athens. In fact, this statement accurately describes the difference in women's rights between the two city-states. Therefore, this option (option 3) is the correct answer to the original question.

The option that was NOT a difference between Sparta and Athens is: In Sparta, men did not publicly share their opinions, while in Athens men spoke their minds in political forums.