Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

75 decreased by twice Gail's savings
Use the variable g to represent Gail's savings.

The algebraic expression for "75 decreased by twice Gail's savings" using the variable g is:

75 - 2g

To translate the phrase "75 decreased by twice Gail's savings" into an algebraic expression, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the variable.
Let g represent Gail's savings.

Step 2: Identify the operations in the phrase.
The phrase "twice Gail's savings" implies multiplying Gail's savings by 2. The word "decreased" indicates subtraction.

Step 3: Translate the phrase into an algebraic expression.
We start with 75 and then subtract twice Gail's savings, which is 2g. Therefore, the algebraic expression is:

75 - 2g

In conclusion, the phrase "75 decreased by twice Gail's savings" can be translated into the algebraic expression as 75 - 2g.

To translate the phrase "75 decreased by twice Gail's savings" into an algebraic expression using the variable g to represent Gail's savings, you can write it as:

75 - 2g