Which is likely to have a mass of 3 kilograms A. Small feather B. Five year old cat C. Full grown elephant D. Peach

clearly the cat

To determine which object is likely to have a mass of 3 kilograms, we need to understand the mass of each of the options provided and compare them accordingly.

A small feather is typically lightweight and has a very low mass. It is unlikely to have a mass of 3 kilograms.

A five-year-old cat generally has a mass in the range of 3 to 5 kilograms, making it a possible candidate for an object with a mass of 3 kilograms.

A full-grown elephant usually has a mass in the range of several thousand kilograms, making it highly improbable to have a mass of just 3 kilograms.

Lastly, a peach is usually lightweight and has a mass of around 100 grams, which is significantly lower than 3 kilograms.

Therefore, based on the given options, the most likely object with a mass of 3 kilograms is the B. Five-year-old cat.

The small feather is likely to have a mass of 3 kilograms.