When you are hiring for your coffee shop, you want your employees to be nice to customers, take the initiative to get things done, and be excited to work. Most importantly though, you want your employees to treat their coworkers well and work as a team. Which personality trait should you emphasize most as you interview candidates?

D. Proactivity

C. Friendliness

B. Respect

A. Enthusiasm

B. Respect to coworkers and working as a team should be the personality trait emphasized most as you interview candidates for a coffee shop. While friendliness and enthusiasm are important, an employee who treats their coworkers with respect and works well as part of a team will help to create a positive workplace culture and improve customer service overall. Additionally, proactivity is important, but it is a trait that can be trained and developed over time, whereas respect for coworkers is more inherent to a person's personality.