Which graph best represents the relationship between mass and kinetic energy at a constant velocity?





The correct graph that represents the relationship between mass and kinetic energy at a constant velocity is (b) because kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass and the graph shows a linear relationship between mass and kinetic energy.

The correct graph that best represents the relationship between mass and kinetic energy at a constant velocity is:

c) 6d698dda-3d32-4c06-a04d-bd5f32f14c1b.PNG

To determine which graph best represents the relationship between mass and kinetic energy at a constant velocity, we need to understand the equation for kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is given by the equation:

Kinetic energy = (1/2) * mass * velocity^2

At a constant velocity, the velocity term does not change. Therefore, the graph of kinetic energy versus mass will be a linear relationship.

Looking at the provided graphs:

a) The graph shows an exponential relationship between mass and kinetic energy, not a linear relationship. Therefore, graph "a" does not represent the relationship correctly.

b) The graph shows a proportional relationship between mass and kinetic energy, with a straight line passing through the origin. This represents a linear relationship, so graph "b" is a good representation of the relationship between mass and kinetic energy at a constant velocity.

c) The graph in "c" does not show a linear relationship between mass and kinetic energy. The slope of the line changes as mass increases. Therefore, graph "c" does not represent the relationship correctly.

d) The graph in "d" does not show a linear relationship between mass and kinetic energy. The slope of the line changes as mass increases. Therefore, graph "d" does not represent the relationship correctly.

In conclusion, graph "b" best represents the relationship between mass and kinetic energy at a constant velocity.