Determine which pair of points has a positive slope?

To determine which pair of points has a positive slope, you need two points. Let (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) be two points. The slope formula is given by:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

If the slope is positive, then the line connecting the two points has an upward slope from left to right.

If you have multiple pairs of points, you'll need to calculate the slope for each pair and compare them. The pair with a positive slope will have a line that slopes upward from left to right.


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determine which pair of points has a positive slope

A) (5, -4), (-2, 1)
B) (-10, -2), (6, 6)
C) (6, -10), (2, 10)
D) (5, -1), (-6, 6)

To determine which pair of points has a positive slope, we need to use the slope formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

If the slope is positive, it means the line connecting the two points has an upward slope from left to right.

A) (5, -4), (-2, 1)
slope = (1 - (-4)) / (-2 - 5) = 5 / (-7) = -5/7 (negative slope)

B) (-10, -2), (6, 6)
slope = (6 - (-2)) / (6 - (-10)) = 8 / 16 = 1/2 (positive slope)

C) (6, -10), (2, 10)
slope = (10 - (-10)) / (2 - 6) = 20 / (-4) = -5 (negative slope)

D) (5, -1), (-6, 6)
slope = (6 - (-1)) / (-6 - 5) = 7 / (-11) = -7/11 (negative slope)

Therefore, the pair of points with a positive slope is option B) (-10, -2), (6, 6).

are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure. For option B), the slope of the line connecting the two points is (6 - (-2)) / (6 - (-10)) = 8 / 16 = 1/2, which is a positive value. Therefore, option B) is the pair of points that has a positive slope.

which is a rule that describes the translation of a point form (4, -8) to (7, -10)?

A) (x,y) to (x + 3, y - 2)
B) (x,y) to (x + 3, y + 2)
C) (x,y) to (x - 3, y - 2)
D) (x,y) to (x - 3, y + 2)