why did artist such as Leonardo da Vinci use the golden ratio in their paintings?

a. they enjoyed working with numbers.

b. it created a balanced and intriguing visual composition.

c. they liked to obey the rigid structure of the ratio

d. using mathematical principles added extra certainty to their work

The answer would be (b) it created a balanced and intriguing visual composition. The Golden ratio, also known as the Divine Proportion, is believed to create a sense of harmony and balance in works of art, architecture, and design. Many artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, used this mathematical ratio in their works to achieve balanced and aesthetically pleasing compositions.

The correct answer is b. It created a balanced and intriguing visual composition. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio in their paintings because it is believed to have a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing effect on the viewer. The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio (approximately equal to 1.618) that is found in nature and has been used in art, architecture, and design for centuries. It is known for its ability to create a sense of balance, proportion, and beauty.

To find the answer to this question, you can refer to art history and scholarly sources that discuss the use of the golden ratio in the works of Leonardo da Vinci and other artists. These sources often provide insights into the thinking and motivations behind the artist's use of the golden ratio in their compositions.

The main reason why artists such as Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio in their paintings is because it created a balanced and intriguing visual composition. This is option b. The golden ratio is a mathematical proportion that is aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. By using the golden ratio, artists were able to arrange elements within their paintings in a way that is visually harmonious and pleasing. This technique helped them achieve a sense of balance and proportion within their compositions, making their works more visually appealing to the viewer.