Which of the following events is caused by magnetic force?

A person gets a shock from a doorknob after walking across carpet.
Pieces of clothing stick together after being in a clothes dryer.
The needle of a compass points toward Earth's North Pole.
Objects are constantly pulled toward the center of Earth.

The correct answer is C: The needle of a compass points toward Earth's North Pole. This is because the Earth has a magnetic field, which causes a magnetized compass needle to align with the field lines and point north.

The event caused by magnetic force is c) The needle of a compass points toward Earth's North Pole.

The correct answer is c) The needle of a compass points toward Earth's North Pole. This is an example of an event caused by magnetic force.

To understand why the needle of a compass points toward Earth's North Pole, we need to know a little about the Earth's magnetic field. The Earth has a magnetic field that emanates from its core, similar to a bar magnet. The Earth's magnetic field has a north and a south pole, just like a regular magnet.

The needle of a compass is a small magnet itself, with one end marked as the north pole and the other as the south pole. When the compass is not near any other magnetic field, the needle aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field.

This alignment is caused by the magnetic force. The magnetic force acts on the needle of the compass, pulling it towards Earth's North Pole. This is why the needle of a compass always points in the general direction of Earth's magnetic North Pole.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you would have needed some basic knowledge about magnets, magnetic fields, and how a compass works. By understanding these concepts, you can deduce that the needle of a compass pointing towards Earth's North Pole is an example of an event caused by magnetic force.