Read the following statements and tell if they happened during the presidency of Ford or Carter.

a) Pardoned Nixon
b) Improved relations with China. Signed Camp David Accords (Middle East conflict).
c) Struggled with high inflation and took steps to try to correct it.
d) Unsuccessful attempts to free Iranian hostages, lost election of 1980
e) Signed the Helsinki Accords: border issues and human rights
f) Pushed for the use of alternative energy sources such as solar power.

a) Ford

b) Carter
c) Both, but mainly Carter
d) Carter
e) Ford
f) Carter

To determine whether each statement happened during the presidency of Ford or Carter, we need to analyze the events mentioned.

a) Pardoned Nixon: This refers to the pardon of former President Richard Nixon, which occurred in September 1974. This event happened during the presidency of Gerald Ford.

b) Improved relations with China, Signed Camp David Accords (Middle East conflict): These two separate events happened during the presidency of Jimmy Carter. The improvement of relations with China took place in 1979, while the signing of the Camp David Accords, a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, occurred in 1978.

c) Struggled with high inflation and took steps to try to correct it: This event took place during the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Carter faced a severe inflation crisis and implemented various measures to combat it, such as tightening monetary policy and encouraging energy conservation.

d) Unsuccessful attempts to free Iranian hostages, lost election of 1980: Both of these statements are associated with Jimmy Carter's presidency. The Iranian hostage crisis started in 1979 and lasted throughout Carter's presidency. Carter's unsuccessful attempts to free the hostages, along with the continuing crisis, contributed to his loss in the 1980 election.

e) Signed the Helsinki Accords: border issues and human rights: The signing of the Helsinki Accords occurred during the presidency of Gerald Ford in 1975. This agreement aimed to improve relations between the Soviet Union and Western countries by addressing security, economic, and human rights concerns.

f) Pushed for the use of alternative energy sources such as solar power: This statement is associated with the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Carter was a strong advocate for energy conservation and renewable energy sources. He installed solar panels on the White House roof as a symbol of his commitment to solar power.

In summary, here's a breakdown of which events happened during the presidencies of Ford and Carter:

Gerald Ford:
- Pardoned Nixon
- Signed the Helsinki Accords

Jimmy Carter:
- Improved relations with China
- Signed the Camp David Accords
- Struggled with high inflation and took steps to correct it
- Faced the Iranian hostage crisis and lost the 1980 election
- Pushed for alternative energy sources such as solar power.

a) Pardoned Nixon: This happened during the presidency of Ford.

b) Improved relations with China. Signed Camp David Accords (Middle East conflict): This happened during the presidency of Carter.
c) Struggled with high inflation and took steps to try to correct it: This happened during the presidency of Carter.
d) Unsuccessful attempts to free Iranian hostages, lost election of 1980: This happened during the presidency of Carter.
e) Signed the Helsinki Accords: border issues and human rights: This happened during the presidency of Ford.
f) Pushed for the use of alternative energy sources such as solar power: This happened during the presidency of Carter.