Why is bauxite the most common ore that aluminum is extracted from? what are the two correct answers.

1. It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.
2. It is also used in jewelry as a gem.
3. It can be refined in a single step.
4. It contains pure alumimum metal.
5. It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.

The two correct answers are:

1. It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.
5. It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.

Bauxite is the most common ore that aluminum is extracted from because it is abundant, with large deposits found in many parts of the world. Moreover, it is often located close to the surface, making it easier and cheaper to mine than other types of aluminum ores.

The correct answers are:

1. It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.
5. It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.

To determine the correct answers, we need to have some basic knowledge about how aluminum is extracted from its ore. Bauxite is the primary source of aluminum because it contains a high percentage of aluminum oxide. Here's how we can arrive at the correct answers:

1. It is the most abundant ore of aluminum: Bauxite is the most abundant source of aluminum in the Earth's crust. It is found in large quantities in various countries, making it the most commonly used ore for aluminum extraction.

2. It is also used in jewelry as a gem: This statement is incorrect. Bauxite is not used as a gemstone. While bauxite may occasionally be used as an ornamental stone, its primary value lies in its aluminum content, not its appearance as a gemstone.

3. It can be refined in a single step: This statement is incorrect. The process of extracting aluminum from bauxite involves several steps, including crushing, grinding, chemical digestion, settling, precipitation, filtration, and calcination. It is not a single-step process.

4. It contains pure aluminum metal: This statement is incorrect. Bauxite is an ore that contains aluminum oxide (Al2O3) along with other impurities. The extraction process involves refining the aluminum oxide to obtain pure aluminum metal.

5. It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined: This statement is correct. Bauxite deposits are typically found near the surface of the Earth and can be extracted through strip mining. This mining method involves removing layers of soil and rock to expose the bauxite ore, which can then be extracted through various methods.

Therefore, the correct answers are that bauxite is the most abundant ore of aluminum and it is located near the surface, making it easily strip mined.

The two correct answers are:

1. It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.
5. It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.