What is an outline?

1. a list of events in the story written in the order that they will occur
2. a brainstormed list of topics that the writer might want to write about
3. a complete rough draft of the story
4. a list of the writer’s favorite events from the story

Option 2: An outline is a brainstormed list of topics that the writer might want to write about. It is a preliminary plan or draft that lays out the main points or topics that will be covered in a piece of writing. An outline helps writers organize their ideas and thoughts before they start writing so that they can create a clear and coherent structure for their writing.

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An outline is a formatted structural plan that organizes and outlines the main points or topics of a written work. It serves as a framework for the writer to organize their thoughts and ensure a logical flow of information. An outline typically includes headings, subheadings, and bullet points or numbers to indicate the hierarchy and relationship between different sections of the work. Outlines are commonly used in various types of writing, including essays, research papers, and speeches, to provide a clear and organized structure for the content.

An outline is a structured plan or framework used to organize thoughts, ideas, or information before writing a piece of content such as an essay, article, or story. It helps to provide a clear roadmap of the main points and their logical sequence.

Now, let's break down the options you provided:

1. A list of events in the story written in the order that they will occur.
This statement accurately describes one common use of an outline. In the context of a story, an outline can be used to plan out the sequence of events, ensuring that they flow logically and coherently.

2. A brainstormed list of topics that the writer might want to write about.
While brainstorming is an important step in the writing process, a list of topics does not necessarily constitute an outline. However, these brainstormed topics can later be organized and incorporated within an outline.

3. A complete rough draft of the story.
An outline is not a complete rough draft of the story. It is a preliminary plan that helps guide the writing process. The rough draft comes later, after the outline is complete.

4. A list of the writer's favorite events from the story.
An outline is not based on personal favorites or preferences of the writer. It is an objective and structured plan that outlines the main points, supporting details, or arguments that will be included in the final piece of writing.

In summary, an outline is a structured plan used to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. It helps writers navigate through their content, ensuring logical flow and coherence in their work. An outline can include a list of events, topics, or ideas, but it is not a complete rough draft nor is it based on personal favorites.