Which describes an effect of McCarthyism?

the Space Race

the creation of HUAC

the end of the Red Scare

an increase in immigration

the trial of Margaret Chase Smith

B. the creation of HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) describes an effect of McCarthyism.

The correct answer is B. The creation of HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) describes an effect of McCarthyism.

To arrive at this answer, let's first understand what McCarthyism refers to. McCarthyism refers to the period in the United States during the early 1950s when Senator Joseph McCarthy led a campaign to uncover and target suspected communists or communist sympathizers within the U.S. government and other institutions.

During this time, the fear of communism was at its peak, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion, accusation, and blacklisting. Many people's careers and lives were destroyed by accusations of being communist or having communist affiliations.

One response to McCarthyism was the creation of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1938. However, during the McCarthy era, HUAC gained increased powers and became a prominent instrument for investigating and prosecuting individuals suspected of communist ties. HUAC held public hearings, forcing people to testify about their political beliefs and associations.

Therefore, the creation and increased prominence of HUAC was an effect of McCarthyism.

B. The creation of HUAC