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A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?

To find the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone, we have to subtract the altitude of the stone from the altitude of the mountain climber.

The altitude of the mountain climber is 29,035 ft, and the altitude of the stone is -1,349 ft (since it's below sea level).

Therefore, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is:

29,035 ft - (-1,349 ft) = 29,035 ft + 1,349 ft = 30,384 ft

Therefore, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is 30,384 ft.

Thank you for your kind explanation

To find the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone, we need to calculate the sum of their elevations.

Elevation of the mountain climber = 29,035 ft above sea level
Elevation of the stone = 1,349 ft below sea level

To make the calculation easier, we'll convert the elevation of the stone to a positive value by multiplying it by -1.

Elevation of the stone = 1,349 ft * -1 = -1,349 ft

Now we can add the elevations:

29,035 ft + (-1,349 ft) = 27,686 ft

So, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is 27,686 ft.

To find the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone, we need to subtract the elevation of the stone from the elevation of the mountain climber. Here are the steps to solve the problem:

Step 1: Calculate the elevation of the mountain climber above sea level:
The mountain climber is at 29,035 ft above sea level.

Step 2: Calculate the elevation of the stone below sea level:
The stone is at 1,349 ft below sea level.

Step 3: Find the difference in elevation:
To find the difference, subtract the elevation of the stone from the elevation of the mountain climber:
Difference = Elevation of mountain climber - Elevation of stone
Difference = 29,035 ft - (-1,349) ft
Difference = 29,035 ft + 1,349 ft
Difference = 30,384 ft

Therefore, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is 30,384 feet.