Find the lengths of the missing sides in the triangle. Use the 45° -45° - 90° Triangle Theorem. Write your answers as integers, in radical form, or as decimals rounded to the nearest tenth. The diagram is not drawn to scale.


I'd be happy to help you with this geometry question! However, I don't see a diagram or any specific triangle given. Can you please provide more information or a specific problem to solve?

well, you know the legs are equal, and the hypotenuse is √2 times as big

To find the missing sides of a triangle using the 45°-45°-90° triangle theorem, we need to understand the ratios involved.

In a 45°-45°-90° triangle, the two legs (the sides opposite the 45° angles) are congruent, and the hypotenuse (the side opposite the 90° angle) is √2 times the length of the legs.

Let's denote the length of one of the legs as x. Therefore, the length of the other leg will also be x, and the length of the hypotenuse will be √2x.

Now, based on this information, we can solve the problem. Could you provide the lengths of the known sides of the triangle?
