Explain the meaning of the metaphor italicized below.

Her hair was a glistening raven’s wing that flowed in dark tresses down her back.

The metaphor compares the woman's hair to a raven's wing, emphasizing its dark color and the way it flows down her back. It creates a vivid image in the reader's mind and suggests that the woman's hair is beautiful and striking, just like a raven's wing.

The metaphor is comparing the woman's hair to a raven's wing. This comparison suggests that her hair is dark, smooth, and glossy, resembling the sleekness and shine of a raven's wing. The mention of her hair flowing in dark tresses further implies that it is long and graceful, much like the way a raven's wing moves through the air. Overall, the metaphor emphasizes the attractiveness and elegance of the woman's hair.

The metaphor in the sentence is "Her hair was a glistening raven’s wing." This metaphor compares the woman's hair to a raven's wing, using the idea of a similar appearance or characteristic to create a vivid image in the reader's mind.

To understand the meaning of this metaphor, let's break it down:

1. Identify the subject: The subject in the sentence is "her hair."

2. Identify the comparison: The comparison is made between "her hair" and "a glistening raven's wing."

3. Identify the qualities being compared: In this metaphor, the qualities being compared are the appearance and texture of the woman's hair and the appearance and texture of a raven's wing. The hair is described as "glistening" and "flowing in dark tresses," which implies that it is smooth, shiny, and black, just like a raven's wing.

4. Understand the meaning: By comparing the woman's hair to a raven's wing, the metaphor suggests that her hair is black, smooth, shiny, and flowing. It creates a visual image in the reader's mind of long, dark, and beautiful hair.

Overall, the metaphor emphasizes the beauty and elegance of the woman's hair by using the captivating image of a raven's wing.