Which of the following is not a body verb agreement sign

A. bit
B. Piercing
C. Scar
D. Win

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The correct answer is D. Win. "Win" is not a body verb agreement sign.

To determine which of the following options is not a body verb agreement sign, we first need to understand what body verb agreement means. Body verb agreement is a grammatical concept that refers to the agreement between the subject of a sentence (often a body part or a body-related noun) and the verb that follows it. The verb should agree in number (singular or plural) with the subject.

Now let's analyze each option to see if it can be considered a body verb agreement sign:

A. "bit" - This is the past tense of the verb "to bite." While it is related to a body action, it does not directly indicate body verb agreement. Therefore, it is not a body verb agreement sign.

B. "Piercing" - This is a noun that refers to the act of puncturing a body part (such as getting a body piercing). It does not directly indicate body verb agreement.

C. "Scar" - This is a noun that refers to a mark left on the skin after a wound or injury has healed. Similar to option B, it does not directly indicate body verb agreement.

D. "Win" - This is a verb that means to achieve victory or succeed. Although not directly related to the body, it can be used in conjunction with a subject related to a body part to indicate body verb agreement.

Based on the analysis above, the option that is not a body verb agreement sign is "A. bit".