A yoga studio has two participation plans. The first plan costs $10 per visit. The second plan costs $30 per month, and $4 per visit. How many visits would make the cost of both plans the same?(1 point)

The plans would cost the same at

Let's assume the number of visits to the yoga studio be x.

For the first plan, the cost would be 10x.

For the second plan, the cost would be 30 + 4x.

To find the number of visits that make the cost of both plans the same, we need to set the two equations equal to each other and solve for x:

10x = 30 + 4x

6x = 30

x = 5

Therefore, 5 visits would make the cost of both plans the same.

Oh, I love a good yoga joke! So, let's find the magical number of visits that would make the cost of both plans the same. To do that, we need to set up an equation:

10v = 30 + 4v

Where 'v' represents the number of visits. Let's solve it, shall we?

First, we can subtract 4v from both sides:

10v - 4v = 30

That leaves us with:

6v = 30

Now, we can divide both sides by 6 to find out how many visits would make the cost of both plans the same:

v = 30/6

Simplifying that gives us:

v = 5

So, after performing some magical calculations, it turns out that the cost of both plans would be the same after 5 visits. Ta-da!

Let's assume the number of visits as 'x'.

For the first plan, the cost per visit is $10. Therefore, the total cost for 'x' visits would be 10x.

For the second plan, the cost per month is $30 and the cost per visit is $4. So, the total cost for 'x' visits would be 30 + 4x.

To find the number of visits where the cost for both plans is the same, we can set up the equation:

10x = 30 + 4x

Now let's solve the equation:

10x - 4x = 30
6x = 30
x = 30 / 6
x = 5

Therefore, the cost of both plans would be the same after 5 visits.

To find the number of visits that would make the cost of both plans the same, we can set up an equation.

Let's assume that the number of visits is represented by 'x'.

For the first plan, the cost per visit is $10, so the total cost for 'x' visits would be 10x.

For the second plan, there is a fixed monthly cost of $30, and an additional cost of $4 per visit. So the total cost for 'x' visits would be 30 + 4x.

To find the number of visits that makes the cost of both plans the same, we can set up the equation:

10x = 30 + 4x

Now, let's solve for 'x'.

10x - 4x = 30
6x = 30
x = 30 / 6
x = 5

Therefore, the plans would cost the same at 5 visits.