Set the default permissions for newly created directories to be:

user: read, write, execute
group: read, execute
others: none

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To set the default permissions for newly created directories to be user: read, write, execute; group: read, execute; and others: none, you can use the umask command.

The umask command is used to set the default file creation permissions for newly created files and directories. The default umask value is 022, which means that newly created files and directories will have permissions of 644 and 755, respectively.

To set the default permissions for newly created directories as per the requirement, you can use the following command:

umask 027

This will set the umask value to 027, which means that newly created directories will have permissions of 750 (user: rwx, group: rx, others: none).

You can add this command to your shell startup file (e.g., ~/.bashrc) to make it persistent across sessions.