Which of the following groups controlled politics and government during post-Reconstruction?

A. Bourbon Democrats
B. white supremacists
C. Republicans
D. Independents

A. Bourbon Democrats controlled politics and government during post-Reconstruction in Georgia.

To determine which group controlled politics and government during the post-Reconstruction era, we can analyze the historical context of the period and the actions of various political groups.

During this time, the Reconstruction era (1865-1877) had come to an end, marking the withdrawal of federal troops from the Southern states and the abandonment of efforts to secure civil rights for the newly freed African Americans. This period was characterized by the reestablishment of white rule and the emergence of political groups seeking to maintain white supremacy in the South.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. Bourbon Democrats: The Bourbon Democrats were a faction of conservative, pro-business Democrats who emerged in the late 19th century. While they did have some influence in southern politics, it is important to note that they were primarily focused on economic issues rather than explicitly controlling politics and government in the post-Reconstruction period.

B. White supremacists: White supremacists, who advocated for the dominance of white people and the subjugation of African Americans, certainly had a significant role in shaping the political landscape in the South during post-Reconstruction. Many of them actively suppressed African American political rights and engaged in voter intimidation tactics.

C. Republicans: The Republican Party historically played a critical role during the Reconstruction era, as they were the party that championed the abolition of slavery and civil rights for African Americans. However, by the post-Reconstruction period, Republican influence in the South had significantly diminished. The withdrawal of federal troops and the compromise of 1877, which effectively ended Reconstruction, led to a decline in Republican political power in Southern states.

D. Independents: Independents, by definition, do not align with a specific political party. While there might have been independent candidates or small groups operating during this period, they generally lacked the significant influence and organization needed to control politics and government on a sizable scale.

Based on the historical context, it is evident that the most influential group controlling politics and government during post-Reconstruction were white supremacists, indicated by their efforts to suppress African Americans' political rights and maintain white domination in the South. Although other groups had some influence, it was the proponents of white supremacy who held the most power in shaping the political landscape of the era.

During post-Reconstruction, the group that largely controlled politics and government was the Bourbon Democrats.