Why should I get a PS5 Console Disc Version

There are several reasons why you might want to get a PS5 Console Disc Version:

1. Physical game discs: The most obvious reason to choose the disc version is the ability to buy, play, and lend physical game discs. Some users prefer having a physical collection of their games, which is only possible with the disc version.

2. Backward compatibility: The PS5 disc version is backward compatible with most PS4 games, meaning you can still use your physical PS4 game collection on the new console.

3. Better resale value: Physical games tend to hold their value better than digital downloads. If you decide to sell or trade-in your games after finishing them, you'll have a better chance of getting some money back when they're on physical media.

4. Lending and borrowing games: It's easier to lend or borrow physical games from friends and family, which is not possible with digital downloads.

5. Pre-owned games: You can purchase pre-owned games at a lower cost, which is an advantage over buying new digital games.

6. 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray player: The PS5 disc version includes a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray player, which allows you to watch high-quality physical movies on your console. This is a feature not present in the digital version.

7. Internet bandwidth and data caps: Digital games can be large files and may take a long time to download, especially if you have slow internet. Additionally, some users may have data caps on their internet plans, which can make downloading large digital games problematic. Buying physical games on discs helps avoid these download issues.

8. No reliance on digital storefronts: With physical games, you don't have to worry about games being taken down from digital storefronts or losing access to them if a publisher or developer shuts down.

Ultimately, the choice comes down to your preferences and gaming habits. If you value physical media, backward compatibility with PS4 discs, lending games or buying pre-owned games, and using the console as a Blu-ray player, the PS5 Console Disc Version could be the better choice for you.