Grizzly bears and polar bears are very closely related so much so that they can reproduce to from hybrid offspring use your understanding of natural selection to describe how polar bears became a separate classification from the grizzly

I think this is true fate hehe

Polar bears and grizzly bears are actually not very closely related. They belong to different species and have different physical and behavioral adaptations that allow them to survive in their respective environments.

Polar bears evolved from a common ancestor with brown bears (which includes grizzly bears) around 600,000 years ago. Over time, polar bears developed unique adaptations that allowed them to survive in the harsh Arctic environment, such as a thick layer of insulating fur, large paws for walking on ice, and a streamlined body shape for swimming.

These adaptations were favored by natural selection because they allowed polar bears to better survive and reproduce in their environment. As a result, over time, the polar bear population became genetically distinct from the brown bear population, leading to the development of a separate species classification.

u just wanna be friends anyways lol

Yeah lol🤣

sweet so how we gonna be friends now we cant just talk here lmao

say a prayer info up top


i mad a post information why its serious im not jokeing about it he explained it the surgery is next week.

Wym (unknown emo freak)?? And idk croolkid lol

Well can you please stop and I think your cool croolkid not crool lol