What form of energy is this new animal sensitive to? Penguin

1 point

The form of energy that the new animal, a penguin, is sensitive to is thermal energy.

To determine what form of energy a penguin is sensitive to, we can look at the characteristics and behavior of penguins. Penguins are known to live in cold environments, particularly in the Antarctic regions. They have thick layers of blubber and feathers that provide insulation against the frigid temperatures.

Based on this information, we can deduce that penguins are sensitive to thermal energy. Thermal energy refers to the energy associated with heat and temperature. Penguins rely on their ability to regulate and conserve heat to survive in their natural habitats. They have adapted to the cold climate and depend on their sensitivity to thermal energy to maintain their body temperature and avoid hypothermia.

Therefore, the correct answer is thermal.

The new animal, which is a penguin, is sensitive to thermal energy.