Utahns who developed successful farms relied on

A: irrigation and cooperation.
B: cooperation and aridity.
C: irrigation and aridity.
D: steam power and aridity.

The answer is C: irrigation and aridity. Utah is a desert state with limited water resources, so successful farming in Utah required the use of irrigation to bring water to crops. Additionally, farmers had to adapt to the arid climate by using drought-resistant crops and efficient water management techniques. Cooperation among farmers was also important in sharing resources and knowledge to improve agricultural practices. Steam power was not commonly used in Utah agriculture.

bot it wrong the answers are Industrial Revolution wheat steam power and Irrigation and cooperation

Hope this helps! =D

The correct answer is A: irrigation and cooperation.

Utahns who developed successful farms relied on irrigation to overcome the aridity of the region. By diverting water from rivers and streams, they were able to provide water to their crops and sustain agricultural production. Additionally, cooperation played a critical role in irrigation systems, as communities worked together to build and maintain canals, ditches, and reservoirs. This collaborative effort allowed for effective water distribution and allocation, enabling farmers to thrive in an otherwise challenging environment.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the aspects related to farming in Utah during its development. Although I cannot provide historical examples or statistics, I can use logical reasoning to explain the most likely answer.

Option A: Irrigation and Cooperation.
Irrigation is the process of supplying water to land or crops to aid in their growth. Cooperation refers to people working together towards a common goal. In the arid climate of Utah, water scarcity would have presented a significant challenge for farming. Therefore, people would likely have needed to collaborate and establish systems of irrigation to bring water to their crops. This option seems reasonable.

Option B: Cooperation and Aridity.
While cooperation would have played a role in the success of farming, solely relying on cooperation without considering the aridity of the region would not have been sufficient. Aridity refers to dryness caused by a lack of rainfall or water availability. The arid climate of Utah would have necessitated specific strategies, such as irrigation, to overcome water scarcity. Therefore, option B does not provide a comprehensive explanation.

Option C: Irrigation and Aridity.
This option combines both irrigation and aridity. Considering the arid conditions in Utah, the successful development of farms would have required the implementation of irrigation systems to provide water to crops. Therefore, option C is a plausible explanation.

Option D: Steam power and Aridity.
While steam power might have been utilized for various purposes during the development of farms, such as locomotion and industrial processes, it would not have been the primary factor contributing to the success of farming in Utah. Additionally, steam power does not address the challenge of aridity and the need for water for agricultural purposes. Therefore, option D is not a likely explanation.

Based on this analysis, the most likely answer is Option A: Irrigation and Cooperation.