Early engines used to perform difficult tasks.

A: fire power
B: horse power
C: nuclear power
D: steam power

D: steam power

The correct answer is D: steam power.

To get this answer, you would need to have some knowledge about the history of engines and the types of power sources that were used in the past.

Here's a brief explanation of each option:

A: Fire power typically refers to the combustion of fuel to generate heat and energy. While fire power was commonly used in early engines, it is not the specific power source associated with early engines.

B: Horse power refers to a unit of measurement for power. It is a term often used to describe the power output of engines and machines, but it is not a specific power source itself.

C: Nuclear power involves harnessing energy from the fusion or fission of atomic nuclei. It is a relatively recent form of power and was not used in early engines.

D: Steam power was the primary power source used in early engines. Engines powered by steam were first developed in the 18th century and were widely used during the Industrial Revolution. These engines used the energy from steam to generate power and perform various tasks, such as operating machinery and locomotives.

When considering the options, the one that aligns with the historical context of early engines is steam power.

D: steam power