Louis must ride a mechanical lift to place 20 boxes on a high store shelf.

• Louis weighs 140 pounds.
• There are x boxes that weigh 10 kilograms each and
20 – x boxes that weigh 30 kilograms each.
• A kilogram is 2.2 pounds.

Which expression shows the total weight, in pounds, that will be on the lift?

The expression that shows the total weight, in pounds, that will be on the lift is:

140 + x * 10 * 2.2 + (20 - x) * 30 * 2.2


- 140 represents the weight of Louis.
- x * 10 * 2.2 represents the weight of the x boxes that weigh 10 kilograms each, converted to pounds.
- (20 - x) * 30 * 2.2 represents the weight of the (20 - x) boxes that weigh 30 kilograms each, converted to pounds.

By adding these three terms, we get the total weight, in pounds, that will be on the lift.