A manufacturer of lemon slicers calculates its profit as a function of the price charged for the product. The graph shows this function.

What is the minimum price at which the company breaks even?





We can see from the graph that the profit is zero at the point where the function intersects the x-axis. This point represents the price at which the company breaks even.

Looking at the graph, we can see that the function intersects the x-axis at approximately $30. Therefore, the answer is C. $30 is the minimum price at which the company breaks even.

To find the minimum price at which the company breaks even, we need to identify the point where the profit function equals zero. From the information given, we do not have access to the graph or the specific profit function. However, we can still explain how you can find the answer.

1. Obtain the profit function: If you have the graph, you can read the value of the profit for each price point and create a function by plotting the points on a coordinate axis. If you have the equation of the profit function, you can skip this step.

2. Set the profit function equal to zero: Since the company breaks even when the profit is zero, set the profit function equal to zero.

3. Solve the equation: Depending on the profit function, you may need to use algebraic techniques like factoring, completing the square, or the quadratic formula to solve the equation. This will give you the value(s) of the price(s) where the company breaks even.

4. Determine the minimum price: If there are multiple solutions, compare their values to find the lowest price, which represents the minimum price at which the company breaks even.

Without the specific profit function or graph, it is not possible to provide a direct answer to the question. However, by following the steps outlined above, you should be able to calculate the minimum price required for the company to break even.

To determine the minimum price at which the company breaks even, we need to find the x-coordinate of the minimum point on the graph. However, since the graph or the function is not provided, it is not possible to provide a specific answer. Please provide the graph or the function of the profit as a function of the price so that I can assist you further.