Graphing Points in Four Quadrants Answers.

1. What are the coordinates for point F?
B. (7, -5)
2. Which point is located at (-2, -6)?
D. K
3. Which point is located in quadrant IV?
B. J
4. What are the coordinates of point M?
B. (-3, 1)
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1. The coordinates for point F are (7, -5).

2. The point located at (-2, -6) is K.
3. The point located in quadrant IV is J.
4. The coordinates of point M are (-3, 1).

To graph points in four quadrants, you would typically use a Cartesian coordinate system. This system consists of two perpendicular lines intersecting at the origin, forming four quadrants labeled as I, II, III, and IV.

1. To find the coordinates for point F, you would look at the ordered pair (7, -5), which indicates that the x-coordinate is 7 and the y-coordinate is -5. Therefore, the answer is option B. (7, -5).

2. To determine which point is located at (-2, -6), you would look for the point with an x-coordinate of -2 and a y-coordinate of -6. This corresponds to option D - K.

3. To find the point located in quadrant IV, you need to identify the point with both positive x and y coordinates. Looking at the options, point J has positive x and y values, indicating that it is located in quadrant IV. Thus, the answer is option B - J.

4. The coordinates for point M are given as (-3, 1). This indicates that the x-coordinate is -3 and the y-coordinate is 1. Therefore, the answer is option B - (-3, 1).

Remember to pay attention to the signs and use the Cartesian coordinate system to locate points accurately in the appropriate quadrant.