Perimeters and Areas of Rectangles and Squares Practice and Rectangles and Squares quick check i just need help or answers plz

1. B 2. D 3.D 4.A 5.B

what are the answers for Perimeters and Areas of Rectangles and Squares Practice and Rectangles and Squares quick check pls thank you

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still all of them T^T

I'd be happy to help you with perimeters and areas of rectangles and squares! However, I cannot provide direct answers or do the work for you. My purpose is to assist you in understanding the concepts and guide you through the problem-solving process.

Let's start with the basics:

Perimeter of a rectangle:
The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around the outside of the shape and is calculated by adding up the lengths of all four sides. For a rectangle with length (L) and width (W), the perimeter (P) is given by the formula: P = 2L + 2W.

Area of a rectangle:
The area of a rectangle represents the amount of space it occupies and is calculated by multiplying the length by the width. For a rectangle with length (L) and width (W), the area (A) is given by the formula: A = L x W.

Perimeter of a square:
A square is a special type of rectangle with all sides of equal length. Therefore, the perimeter of a square is calculated by multiplying the length of one side by 4. If the side length is denoted by (S), then the perimeter (P) of a square is given by the formula: P = 4S.

Area of a square:
The area of a square is also calculated by multiplying the length of one side by itself. If the side length is denoted by (S), then the area (A) of a square is given by the formula: A = S x S or A = S².

Now that you have an understanding of the formulas, you can apply them to solve practice problems or a quick check exercise.

To find the perimeter, replace the variables (L, W, or S) with the given measurements and calculate the result.

To find the area, multiply the length by the width (for a rectangle) or multiply a side length by itself (for a square).

Remember to label your answers correctly with appropriate units, such as square units for area and linear units for perimeter.

If you have specific questions about a problem or need further explanations, feel free to ask!