which of the following genres includes texts are composed of facts and data

The genre that includes texts composed of facts and data is nonfiction. Nonfiction texts are written to inform or explain real-life events, people, places, or things. Examples of nonfiction texts include textbooks, biographies, autobiographies, news articles, and scientific reports.

The genre that includes texts composed of facts and data is known as non-fiction. Non-fiction writing is based on real events, people, and information. It presents factual details and data to inform and educate the reader about a specific topic. Examples of non-fiction genres that frequently feature facts and data are:

1. Informational books: These books provide detailed and factual information on various subjects, such as science, history, biographies, self-help, and reference materials. They often include charts, graphs, and other types of data representation.

2. Scientific papers and journals: Scientific writings follow a precise format and include data, experiments, observations, and results. They are published in specialized scientific journals and aim to share new discoveries, theories, and research findings.

3. News articles: News outlets report on current events, politics, economics, and other topics. They gather information from reliable sources and present it in an objective and factual manner, often including statistics and data to support their claims.

4. Reports and research papers: These academic works present in-depth analysis, research findings, and data on specific subjects. They are common in fields such as social sciences, medicine, economics, and education.

When seeking texts composed of facts and data, it is helpful to look for reputable sources such as books, academic journals, scientific papers, and trusted news outlets. These sources undergo rigorous checks and research processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information they present.

The genre that includes texts composed of facts and data is non-fiction. Non-fiction texts are based on real events, people, and information, and they aim to provide factual information and knowledge to the readers. Examples of non-fiction genres include textbooks, biographies, historical accounts, scientific papers, and news articles.