Determine whether each characteristic describes first person, third person limited, or third person omniscient point of view. Select one or two answer choices for each characteristic.

I'd be happy to help you with your language arts question! Can you please provide me with the characteristics you need to categorize?

I can help with that! Please provide me with the characteristics you want me to determine the point of view for.

To determine whether each characteristic describes first person, third person limited, or third person omniscient point of view, we need to understand the differences between these perspectives.

First person point of view refers to a narrative told from the perspective of one of the characters who refers to themselves as "I" or "we." It provides a direct and personal account of the events.

Third person limited point of view involves the narrator telling the story from an outsider's perspective but focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of a single character. The narrator uses pronouns such as "he," "she," or "they" to refer to the characters.

Third person omniscient point of view occurs when the narrator knows and understands the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of all the characters in the story. The narrator provides perspectives from multiple characters and can access information not directly available to the characters themselves.

Let's go through the characteristics one by one and determine the appropriate point of view:

1. Uses the pronouns "I" or "we": This characteristic belongs to the first person point of view.

2. Provides insights into only one character's thoughts and feelings: This characteristic is associated with the third person limited point of view.

3. Knows and presents the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters: This characteristic aligns with the third person omniscient point of view.

4. The narrator uses pronouns such as "he," "she," or "they" to refer to the characters: This characteristic can indicate both third person limited and third person omniscient point of view.

Based on these explanations, let's assign the appropriate point of view to each characteristic:

1. Uses the pronouns "I" or "we": First person
2. Provides insights into only one character's thoughts and feelings: Third person limited
3. Knows and presents the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters: Third person omniscient
4. The narrator uses pronouns such as "he," "she," or "they" to refer to the characters: This can indicate both third person limited and third person omniscient.

Remember, there might be cases where the boundaries between the perspectives can blur or overlap, so it is essential to consider the specific context and characteristics within the story to make a definitive determination.