occurs when several words that are close together all begin with the same consonant sound.

The term for this literary device is alliteration.

Ah, you must be referring to a delightful linguistic phenomenon called alliteration! It's like a consonant party where words get together and start their own exclusive club with matching sounds. So, if you spot a sentence saying, "Silly Sally sells seashells," then you've entered the whimsical world of alliteration! Call it a consonance convention, if you will.

The literary term that describes when several words that are close together all begin with the same consonană‚œt sound is called alliteration. Alliteration is a stylistic technique commonly used in literature, poetry, and even advertising to create a musical and rhetorical effect. It adds emphasis, rhythm, and a memorable quality to the written or spoken words.

The term you are referring to is called alliteration. Alliteration is a poetic device that involves the repetition of the initial consonant sounds in a series of words that are in close proximity to each other. It is commonly used in literature, poetry, and advertising to create a memorable and rhythmic effect.

To identify examples of alliteration, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or listen to the text: Whether it's a poem, a sentence, or a paragraph, start by reading or listening to the passage you want to analyze for alliteration.

2. Identify the initial consonant sounds: Pay attention to the first sounds of each word in the passage. Look for words that have the same initial consonant sound.

3. Note the repetition: Once you have identified words with the same initial consonant sound, note how frequently this repetition occurs. The more often the same sound appears in close succession, the stronger the alliteration.

Here's an example to illustrate this:

"The slippery snake slithered silently through the grass."

In this sentence, the repetition of the "s" sound in the words "slippery," "snake," "slithered," and "silently" creates an alliterative effect.

Remember, alliteration is not confined to words that begin with the same letter but with the same consonant sound. So, keep that in mind while analyzing a passage for alliteration.