A baseball collides with a baseball glove. Which equation is used to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision?

1.force = weight × velocity
2.force = mass × acceleration
3.force = weight × acceleration
4.force = mass × velocity

The equation used to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision is:

2. force = mass × acceleration

This equation relates the force exerted on an object to its mass and the acceleration it experiences. In this case, the mass of the ball and the acceleration it experiences during the collision with the glove will determine the force exerted by the glove on the ball.

The correct equation to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision is:

2. force = mass × acceleration

The equation used to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision is "force = mass × acceleration" (Option 2).

To understand why, let's break down the equation and its components:

- Force (F) is a vector quantity that represents the interaction between two objects. In this case, it is the force exerted by the glove on the ball during the collision.
- Mass (m) is a scalar quantity that quantifies the amount of matter in an object. It is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in motion. In this equation, it refers to the mass of the ball.
- Acceleration (a) is a vector quantity that describes the rate at which an object's velocity changes with time. It is the net result of all forces acting on an object. Here, it represents the acceleration of the ball caused by the force applied by the glove.

The equation "force = mass × acceleration" relates the force exerted on an object to its mass and acceleration. In the context of the baseball and glove collision, the force depends on the mass of the ball and the acceleration it experiences due to the glove. Therefore, Option 2 (force = mass × acceleration) is the correct equation to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision.