What is the distance between the two places that are 7 cm apart on south Africa map

To determine the actual distance between two places on a map, you would need to know the scale of the map. The scale is the ratio of the distance on the map to the actual distance on the ground. Without knowing the scale of the map, it is not possible to accurately determine the distance between two places that are 7 cm apart on a South Africa map.

To determine the actual distance between two places on a map, you need to consider the scale of the map. The scale provides a ratio that relates the distance on the map to the actual distance on the ground.

Unfortunately, without information about the scale of the map, it is not possible to accurately determine the real-life distance between two places that are 7 cm apart on a South Africa map. Each map has its own specific scale, which indicates the relationship between the map distance and the corresponding actual distance.

If you can provide the scale of the map, I can help you in calculating the real-life distance between the two places.

To determine the distance between two places on a map, we need the scale of the map. The scale provides a ratio between a distance on the map and the actual distance on the Earth's surface.

Unfortunately, you haven't provided the scale of the map. If you have access to a South Africa map with a scale given, find that information and let me know. Then I can assist you in calculating the actual distance between the two places that are 7 cm apart on the map.