If a road map has a scale of 3 in.: 100 mi., find the following distances.

26. If Stenson and South Fork are 175 mi. apart, what is the distance between them on the map?

To find the distance between Stenson and South Fork on the map, we need to use the scale given in the problem.

The scale is 3 in.: 100 mi., which means that for every 3 inches on the map, there are 100 miles in real life.

We can set up a proportion to find the distance between Stenson and South Fork on the map:

3 in. / 100 mi. = x in. / 175 mi.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

100 mi. * x in. = 3 in. * 175 mi.


100x = 525

x = 5.25 inches

Therefore, the distance between Stenson and South Fork on the map is 5.25 inches.