If a road map has a scale of 3 in.: 100 mi., find the following distances

25. If Dodge City and Pine Bluff are 500 mi. apart, what is the distance between them on a map?

To find the distance between Dodge City and Pine Bluff on the map, we need to use the scale given in the problem.

The scale is 3 in.: 100 mi.

This means that for every 3 inches on the map, the actual distance is 100 miles.

To find the distance between Dodge City and Pine Bluff on the map, we can set up a proportion:

3 in. / 100 mi. = x in. / 500 mi.

where x is the distance between Dodge City and Pine Bluff on the map.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

100 mi. * x in. = 3 in. * 500 mi.


100x = 1500

Dividing both sides by 100:

x = 15

Therefore, the distance between Dodge City and Pine Bluff on the map is 15 inches.