Measure the distances between the points on the map to the nearest eighth of an inch. Using 1 in.: 50 mi., find the actual distance between the represented locations. Round to the nearest mile. 20. C to d 55/8 inches. 21. A to C 2 1/3 inches. 22. D to B 3/4 inches


To find the actual distance between the represented locations, we need to use the scale 1 in.: 50 mi. This means that 1 inch on the map represents 50 miles in real life.

For question 20, the distance between point C and point D on the map is 55/8 inches. Using the scale, we can set up a proportion:

1 inch / 50 miles = 55/8 inches / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * x = 50 * 55/8
x = 343.75 miles

Rounding to the nearest mile, the actual distance between point C and point D is 344 miles.

For question 21, the distance between point A and point C on the map is 2 1/3 inches. Using the scale, we can set up a proportion:

1 inch / 50 miles = 7/3 inches / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * x = 50 * 7/3
x = 116.67 miles

Rounding to the nearest mile, the actual distance between point A and point C is 117 miles.

For question 22, the distance between point D and point B on the map is 3/4 inches. Using the scale, we can set up a proportion:

1 inch / 50 miles = 3/4 inches / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * x = 50 * 3/4
x = 37.5 miles

Rounding to the nearest mile, the actual distance between point D and point B is 38 miles.