How is a person's caste determined?

religious faith?

intellectual ability?

family status and occupation?

income and education?

C. family status and occupation?


It's C

A person's caste is typically determined by their family status and occupation. Caste is a social and hereditary system that originated in India, based on the traditional division of society into social classes. The caste of an individual is typically inherited from their parents and is determined by the occupation or social status of the family they are born into.

To get a more detailed understanding of how a person's caste is determined, let's go through each of the options you provided:

A. Religious faith: While religion can be a significant factor in some aspects of Indian society, it is generally not the primary determinant of a person's caste. Castes are primarily structured based on social and occupational factors, rather than religious affiliation.

B. Intellectual ability: Intellectual ability is not a determining factor when it comes to caste. Caste is primarily based on social and occupational factors inherited through birth rather than inherent intelligence or capabilities of an individual.

C. Family status and occupation: This option is the most accurate in terms of determining a person's caste. The social status and occupation of a person's family are significant factors in determining their caste. Traditional caste systems in India assign different castes to individuals based on specific occupations and social roles.

D. Income and education: While income and education can impact a person's social status and opportunities, they are not usually direct determining factors for someone's caste. Caste is primarily determined by birth and inherited from the family, regardless of a person's individual income or education levels.

It is important to note that the caste system has significant social implications and has been a subject of debate and criticism due to its potential for discrimination and social divisions. However, it is necessary to approach the topic with cultural sensitivity and respect for differing cultural perspectives.