In a football game a field goal is worth three points which function rule relates the number of field goals f and the number of points p a f = 3p b equals 3 f c f = 3 + p did p = 3 + x

a f = 3p

To find the function rule that relates the number of field goals (f) and the number of points (p), we can start by examining the given information: "a f = 3p."

This means that the number of field goals (f) represents three times the number of points (p). So, each point is equivalent to 1/3 of a field goal.

To express the relationship between f and p in the given options:
a) f = 3p → This option matches the given information. Each field goal is worth three points.
b) f = 3 f → This option is not related to the problem being discussed and does not involve points (p).
c) f = 3 + p → This option does not match the given information. It represents field goals being a constant value greater than three, plus the number of points.

Now, if we have p = 3 + x, we need to substitute p in the function rule to find f. Let's use the correct function rule a) f = 3p:

f = 3(3 + x)
f = 9 + 3x

The function rule that relates the number of field goals (f) and the number of points (p) is f = 9 + 3x.

The function rule that relates the number of field goals (f) and the number of points (p) is given by option (a):

f = 3p