Since 1964, the number of cigarettes smoked has

• increased dramatically.
• decreased to near zero.
• remained steady.
• declined steadily.

Declined steadily.

To determine the answer to this question, we can analyze the given options and make an educated guess based on general knowledge of smoking trends since 1964.

Option 1: Increased dramatically - This option suggests that the number of cigarettes smoked has significantly gone up over time. While it is true that smoking rates were quite high before the 1964 Surgeon General's Report on smoking and health, this report significantly influenced public awareness and health policies, leading to a decline in smoking rates. Therefore, it is unlikely that the number of cigarettes smoked has increased dramatically since 1964.

Option 2: Decreased to near zero - This option suggests that the number of cigarettes smoked has dropped to extremely low levels. While it is true that smoking rates have significantly declined since 1964, it would be an exaggeration to say that the number of cigarettes smoked has dropped to near zero.

Option 3: Remained steady - This option suggests that the number of cigarettes smoked has stayed relatively unchanged since 1964. However, this contradicts the widely recognized fact that smoking rates have significantly decreased over the past few decades. Therefore, it is unlikely that the number of cigarettes smoked has remained steady.

Option 4: Declined steadily - This option suggests that the number of cigarettes smoked has steadily decreased over time. Given the historical context and the widely acknowledged decline in smoking rates over the years, this option seems the most reasonable and likely to be correct.

Therefore, based on the given options and general knowledge, we can conclude that the correct answer is: The number of cigarettes smoked has declined steadily since 1964.

Since 1964, the number of cigarettes smoked has declined steadily.