One composer who is associated with the renaissance is

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

One composer who is associated with the Renaissance is Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine such as Google.
2. In the search bar, type "composers of the Renaissance" or "Renaissance composers."
3. Look for reliable sources such as educational websites, music history books, or reputable music institutions.
4. Click on a relevant search result, such as an article or a list of Renaissance composers.
5. Scan or read through the information provided, looking for the name "Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina."
6. You may find additional details about his life, works, and contributions to the Renaissance music period.

Remember, there were many composers during the Renaissance era, so exploring multiple sources and cross-referencing information can help ensure accuracy in your findings.

Josquin des Prez.

Here are the steps associated with Josquin des Prez and the Renaissance:

1. Josquin des Prez was a renowned composer from the Renaissance period, which lasted from the 14th to the 16th century in Europe.

2. He was born around 1450, most likely in either Belgium or France, and is considered one of the most influential composers of his time.

3. Josquin's compositions were characterized by their rich harmonies, expressiveness, and complex polyphonic textures, which became trademarks of the Renaissance style.

4. He worked for various prominent patrons and institutions, including the Sistine Chapel in Rome, where he served as a singer and composer.

5. Some of Josquin's most famous works include his motets, masses, and chansons. Notable compositions include "Ave Maria...virgo serena," "Missa Pange lingua," and "El grillo."

6. Josquin des Prez's music played a significant role in shaping the development of polyphonic composition during the Renaissance, influencing many composers who came after him.

7. His works were highly regarded during his lifetime and continued to be influential long after his death. Many composers in the following centuries considered him as a musical role model.

By following these steps, you should have a better understanding of the composer Josquin des Prez and his association with the Renaissance.