If 2 people are randomly selected, what is the probability that they were both born in the month of October?

The probability that they were both born in the month of October is 1/144, or 0.0069%.

To calculate the probability that 2 people are both born in the month of October, we need to know the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

First, let's determine the total number of possible outcomes. We need to consider that each person can be born in any month of the year. Since there are 12 months, the total number of possible outcomes is 12 * 12 = 144.

Next, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes, which means both people were born in October. Since there is only 1 October in a year, the number of favorable outcomes is 1 * 1 = 1.

Now, we can calculate the probability using the formula:

Probability = (Number of Favorable Outcomes) / (Number of Total Outcomes)

In this case, the probability would be:

Probability = 1 / 144 ≈ 0.0069

Therefore, the probability that 2 randomly selected people were both born in the month of October is approximately 0.0069, or 0.69%.

To calculate the probability that two people are both born in the month of October, we need to know the total number of months and the number of people being considered.

Step 1: Determine the total number of months in a year.
There are 12 months in a year.

Step 2: Determine the probability of selecting one person born in October.
Since there are 12 months in a year and only 1 month is October, the probability of selecting one person born in October is 1/12.

Step 3: Determine the probability of selecting a second person born in October.
After the first person is selected, there are now 11 months left, including October. Therefore, the probability of selecting a second person born in October is 1/11.

Step 4: Calculate the probability that both people were born in October.
To find the probability that both events occur (in this case, both people being born in October), we multiply the probabilities of the individual events. So, the probability that both people were born in October is (1/12) * (1/11).

Step 5: Simplify the probability.
To simplify the probability, we multiply the numerators and denominators:
(1/12) * (1/11) = 1/132.

So, the probability that two people randomly selected were both born in the month of October is 1/132.