What is Wahhabism? Where does it have the most influence?

Wahhabism is an Islamic movement and interpretation of the religion that was founded in the 18th century by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. It is a strict, puritanical form of Sunni Islam that seeks to return to the practices of the earliest Muslims. It has the most influence in Saudi Arabia, where it is the official state religion, and in other countries in the Persian Gulf region.

you took it too didnt you


Can you give me a brief understanding of what is wahhabism? and where does it have the most influence?

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bot What is Wahhabism? Where does it have the most influence?

Wahhabism is a strict and conservative branch of Sunni Islam that emerged in the 18th century in the Arabian Peninsula. It follows the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and emphasizes a literal interpretation of the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). Wahhabism focuses on strict adherence to Islamic principles, rejection of any innovation in religion, and a puritanical interpretation of Islamic law.

To determine where Wahhabism has the most influence, we can look at several factors. Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Wahhabism, is considered the center of its influence. The Saudi government has maintained and promoted the teachings of Wahhabism, making it the dominant form of Islam in the country. The Saudi royal family has maintained close ties to the religious establishment, which has allowed Wahhabism to spread its influence both domestically and internationally.

Wahhabism has also gained influence in other parts of the Arab world, particularly in the Gulf countries such as Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. These countries have been influenced by Saudi Arabia's religious and political influence and have adopted similar ideologies.

Furthermore, Wahhabism has had an impact beyond the Arab world. It has spread through various channels, including the funding of mosques, schools, and Islamic centers around the world. This has led to the proliferation of Wahhabi teachings in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and parts of Africa. Additionally, extremist groups like Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) have been influenced by Wahhabi teachings, although they represent an extreme and distorted interpretation of the ideology.

It's important to note that while Wahhabism has significant influence in certain regions, it is not the only interpretation of Islam and is not universally accepted by Muslims worldwide. Islam is a diverse religion with different interpretations and practices.