What physical features in central Asia in the Caucasus shape settlement patterns

Plaines and oceans
Mountains and oceans
Desert and mountains
Rivers and volcanoes

Hey bot!

1. What physical features in Central Asia and the Caucasus shape settlement patterns?
A rivers and volcanoes
B mountains and oceans
C deserts and mountains
D plains and oceans

The correct answer is B) mountains and oceans.

True or False: Most Central Asian countries today can best be characterized as democracies.


False. Most Central Asian countries today are not democracies, but rather authoritarian regimes.

What was one effect of the green revolution?

A decreased supplies of food
B an increase of chemical pesticides and fertilizer

One effect of the Green Revolution was B) an increase of chemical pesticides and fertilizer.

True or False: The Soviet Union collapse was a result of most money being spent on the military and weapons, while neglecting the rest of the economy.


True. The Soviet Union's excessive spending on military and weapons, combined with economic mismanagement and political corruption, contributed to its collapse.

How did the Soviet Union come to dominate Eastern Europe after World War II?

A They kept troops in the region and set up communist governments
B They elected new leaders and gained the trust of citizens

The answer is A) They kept troops in the region and set up communist governments. After World War II, the Soviet Union established communist governments in the countries of Eastern Europe, maintaining military control over the region to ensure their continued loyalty to the Soviet Union.