Which of the following is an advantage of print publication as an advertising medium?

A. Easy to focus on a target audience

B. Disappears from view in a matter of seconds

C. Large volumes of viewers

D. Is very expensive

A. Easy to focus on a target audience

The correct answer is A. Easy to focus on a target audience.

To determine the advantage of print publication as an advertising medium, we need to evaluate the characteristics of each option.

Option A states that print publication is easy to focus on a target audience. This means that print materials, such as newspapers, magazines, or brochures, can be distributed directly to specific demographics or geographic locations. This allows advertisers to tailor their messaging to reach a specific target audience, increasing the chances of their advertisements reaching their intended recipients.

Option B states that print publications disappear from view in a matter of seconds. This is not an advantage and rather indicates a disadvantage as ads in print publications have a longer shelf life compared to other mediums such as TV or radio ads.

Option C states that print publications have large volumes of viewers. While print publications can have a wide readership, the quantity of viewers can vary greatly depending on the specific publication, its circulation, and readership demographic. Therefore, it is not a definitive advantage of print publications as an advertising medium.

Option D states that print publication is very expensive. This is not an advantage but rather a disadvantage of using print publications as an advertising medium. Print advertising can be costly, especially if placed in popular or widely-read publications. Advertisers need to consider their budgets and whether the cost is justified based on the potential reach and effectiveness of the medium.

To summarize, the correct answer is A. Easy to focus on a target audience. Print publications allow advertisers to distribute their materials directly to specific demographics or geographic locations, enabling targeted advertising efforts.

The advantage of print publication as an advertising medium is:

A. Easy to focus on a target audience.