PLEASE HELP! Consider these three time periods:

The period of Paleolithic North Americans
The period of the first two major North American civilizations (CHOSE)
The period just prior to Europeans arriving in North America
Select one of these periods and write a short paragraph explaining how North Americans were affected by their environment at that time.

The period of the first two major North American civilizations (CHOSE) had a significant impact on the way North Americans interacted with their environment. During this period, the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals allowed for the growth of large, complex societies. This allowed for the development of trade networks, the growth of cities, and the emergence of complex political and religious systems. As a result, North Americans were able to use their environment to their advantage, utilizing resources such as plants and animals to sustain their societies. This period also saw the emergence of large-scale irrigation systems, which allowed for the growth of crops and the development of a more reliable food supply. In addition, the development of pottery and other technologies allowed for the storage and transport of food and other goods. All of these advances allowed North Americans to better utilize their environment and create a more prosperous and stable society.

Period: The period just prior to Europeans arriving in North America

During the period just prior to Europeans arriving in North America, North Americans were heavily influenced by their environment. The environment played a crucial role in shaping their daily lives, social structures, and economic activities. The diverse landscapes of North America, ranging from dense forests to prairies and coastal regions, provided abundant natural resources for the indigenous people. The environment dictated their hunting, gathering, and agricultural practices, as they relied on the availability of food sources, such as bison, fish, wild plants, and crops like maize, beans, and squash. The environment also influenced their nomadic or settled lifestyles, as different regions offered different opportunities and challenges. Additionally, the environment affected their cultural beliefs and spiritual practices, as they developed deep connections with the land, water, and wildlife around them. Overall, the environment had a profound impact on the daily lives, culture, and societal structures of the North American tribes in this period.