According to the map, which of the following cities was part of the Byzantine empire the longest?



To determine which city was part of the Byzantine Empire the longest, we can analyze the historical information. Here is a step-by-step process:

Step 1: Look for the period in which the Byzantine Empire existed. The Byzantine Empire was the eastern continuation of the Roman Empire, and it lasted from 330 to 1453 CE.

Step 2: Examine the historical significance of each city. While all the mentioned cities have historical importance, some of them have stronger connections with the Byzantine Empire.

Step 3: Analyze the approximate duration of each city's presence within the Byzantine Empire. This will provide an estimate of the length of time that each city remained under Byzantine rule.

Based on these steps, the answer is Athens. Athens was part of the Byzantine Empire for the longest period. It remained under Byzantine rule from the establishment of the empire in 330 CE until the Byzantine Empire's final fall in 1453 CE.