How did John McGavock Grider contribute to World War I?

A. Grider served in the British Royal Air Force.
B. Grider was a combat marine.
C. Grider trained soldiers for the National Guard.
D. Grider organized Red Cross efforts.

D. Grider organized Red Cross efforts.

To find out how John McGavock Grider contributed to World War I, we can do a quick search. Let's input his name and search for information on his contributions.

Searching for "John McGavock Grider World War I" brings up several results. The first result is an article from the Library of Congress, where we can gather information about Grider's contributions during the war.

According to the article, John McGavock Grider served in the British Royal Air Force, so the correct answer would be:

A. Grider served in the British Royal Air Force.

The correct answer is D. Grider organized Red Cross efforts.