The air conditioner emitted a dull hum throughout the hot and sticky apartment.

Which phrase contains antonyms for the phrase “hot and sticky”? and dry

B.warm and humid

C.neat and clean and green

A. cool and dry

This is right!!!

The phrase that contains antonyms for "hot and sticky" is A. cool and dry.

To determine which phrase contains antonyms for "hot and sticky," we need to understand the meanings of the words involved and identify words with opposite meanings.

The phrase "hot and sticky" suggests high temperature and moist conditions.

A. "Cool and dry" is an antonym for "hot and sticky." "Cool" describes a lower temperature, which is the opposite of "hot," and "dry" suggests lack of moisture, which contrasts with "sticky."

B. "Warm and humid" does not contain antonyms for "hot and sticky." "Warm" is a similar temperature range to "hot," and "humid" implies moisture, like "sticky."

C. "Neat and clean" does not contain antonyms for "hot and sticky." It describes tidiness and hygiene, which are unrelated to temperature and moisture.

D. "Red and green" does not contain antonyms for "hot and sticky." These colors are not related to temperature or moisture.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. "Cool and dry."