Analogies Quick Check

3 of 5 Items
Which word pair completes the analogy?

kitten : cat ::

(1 point)

bird : eagle
bird : eagle

foal : horse
foal : horse

cow : calf
cow : calf

dog : wolf

dog : wolf

To find the word pair that completes the analogy, we need to understand the relationship between the words "kitten" and "cat." In this analogy, a kitten is a young or baby version of a cat. Therefore, to complete the analogy, we need to find a word pair where one word is a young or baby version of the other.

The options are as follows:
1. bird : eagle
2. foal : horse
3. cow : calf
4. dog : wolf

Out of these options, the word pair that completes the analogy is "foal : horse." A foal is a young or baby horse, similar to how a kitten is a young or baby cat.

dog : wolf